Arts event reviews
On this page, we dive into the world of reviews for your Arts Award portfolio. Whether you're reviewing a painting, sculpture, or digital art, it's all about sharing your personal thoughts and responses.
The key to reviewing is to talk about how it made you feel, what worked and what didn’t and focus on the artistic and creative elements of what you saw. Always use specific examples, and back up your opinion with evidence from the artwork. Wrap it up with a memorable conclusion, and then share your review with the world!
If you keep it fun, keep it personal, and keep it honest, then your art review will be fantastic!
The portfolio evidence shared on this page gives you a sense of the standard and depth of reviews at each level of Arts Award and you can see how the amount of detail needed increases as you move up the levels. The evidence on this page won’t show all the requirements listed in the toolkit for the part(s) so it’s really important you work with a trained adviser to support you to fully meet the Arts Award criteria.