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Personal reflection and sharing

On this page we have examples of personal reflection, where you get the opportunity to look back and reflect on your creative journey, what you’ve learned, and how you’ve grown as an artist and a person. Reflection is a key part of the Arts Award journey and embedding what you have learned and how it will impact your future interests and plans.

By sharing these reflections, not only do you get feedback and encouragement from other people, but your journey can serve as inspiration for somebody just starting on their own creative path. 

The portfolio evidence shared on this page give you a sense of the standard and depth of reflections needed at each level of Arts Award and you can see how the amount of detail needed increases as you move up the levels. The evidence on this page won’t always show all the requirements listed in the toolkit for the part(s) so it’s really important you work with a trained adviser to support you to fully meet the Arts Award criteria.



  • Film and Media

Stop Motion animation: Samuel's Review of Skills (Bronze Part A)

Samuel learnt animation skills using a free Stop Motion app, putting together short scenes using Lego and props. He then creatively evidenced what he learnt and enjoyed by using these new skills and created this short animation film - a great way to demonstrate your achievements.

My reflection of working on a film set.
  • Film and Media

Explore the arts as a participant: Film Set Reflection (Bronze Part A)

Olivia reflects on her work experience day as a general assistant on a low budget film set. She’s produced a video showing her presentation - some pictures and text about the learning - and a short write-up to accompany it.


I had a lot of fun doing this and enjoyed it even more because it was eco friendly.
  • Visual Arts

Leadership project review: Evie (Silver Unit 2 Part E)

Evie shared her reflection on her Unit 2 Leadership project for her Silver Arts Award. She posted it as a blog on Voice and included:

  • A reflection on the skills she’s developed

  • A reflected on the project plan and progress

  • A reflection on her overall achievement through the project

  • A reflection on working with others

  • A reflection on how its influenced her future thinking

A picture of mini weighing scales.
  • Visual Arts

Plan an arts challenge: Ava's Strengths and Weaknesses (Silver Unit 1 Part A)

Ava reflects on her strengths & weaknesses to set-up consider what to do as her Silver arts challenge.


  • Music

Leadership Report: Victoria's Reflection (Gold Unit 2 Part E)

Victoria is a young woman who has been singing with The Urban Vocal Group since 2011, shortly after suffering a brain haemorrhage. As part of her Gold Arts Award she chose to host a symposium to discuss and explore the barriers and perceptions regarding young people identified as having SEN/D accessing mainstream arts provision. This video is her reflection on that event.